Landmark Air Guide: Evaporative Vs. AC During Bushfire Smoke


Bushfire smoke is an unfortunate reality for many Australians. Backburning and bushfires are a given for Canberrans, making it crucial to be prepared when they strike. A significant part of this preparation involves understanding the impact of “Evaporative Vs. AC During Bushfire Smoke” on indoor air quality.

During bushfires, evaporative coolers can draw in smoke, leading to poor indoor air quality, and even pose a fire risk if they catch embers. On the other hand, certain air conditioning systems can filter out wildfire smoke more effectively, enhancing indoor air quality. Therefore, it’s essential to know the difference and make informed decisions about your cooling systems during such events.

Landmark Air Canberra has put together a guide for those who want to prepare Evaporative Coolers and Aircon Conditioners during Bushfire Smoke events. We also include some tips on preparing yourself and your family if you live in a bushfire-prone area!

How to Prepare Evaporative and AC during Bushfire Smoke?

Evaporative Coolers

Turning off your evaporative cooler and closing all of your ceiling cooling vents will keep it from bringing in much of the smokey outside air. The vent system of your evaporative unit may emit a smokey smell, so keep a nose out for it. You can, if you wish:

  • Vent Covers

Vent coverings intended to keep cold air out of the vents during the winter should be used. It is a set of magnetic covers that you may put on and take off as needed.

Vents will be entirely sealed off with these. In addition, they allow you to leave the vents open, which is a huge time-saver for you. 

Internal vents are the finest option because you don’t have to leave the house. A temporary solution is to put plastic or cardboard over the vents if you do not have vent covers.

  • Install a Cover over your Evaporative Cooling unit

Remind yourself and your family to remove any covers from the unit before turning it back on with a sticky note stuck to the control panel.

Landmark Air Canberra offers excellent evaporative cooling service for the upcoming summer heat and after bushfire smoke has invaded your system if needed.

Aircon Conditioners

An air conditioner can be turned on if you have one (instead of an evaporative cooler). Using a filter will remove any particles from the air. An air purifier with a carbon filter also can be used to remove the particles from the air. This type of purifier will work to remove smoke, dust, and other allergens from the air.

Heat exchangers and air recyclers are both components of air conditioners. It implies that the heat in your air is absorbed and expelled outside rather than the air itself. 

The air conditioner operates on the air that is already present in your home. As a result, external air is not drawn into your house, leaving the pollution outdoors.

If you are looking for AC installation, upgrade or repair services for your Bushfire Smoke preparations, Landmark Air Canberra can help you. Call us at (02) 6189 2972 or visit today!


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