How Air Conditioning Systems Work

an air conditioning system in Canberra

Air conditioning systems use refrigeration principles to regulate temperature and humidity. They circulate a refrigerant that absorbs heat from the air, resulting in a relaxed indoor environment. A Canberra air conditioning service can ensure your cooling system is set up. They care for your system so that you can enjoy its advantages for a long time. Now, let’s first explore how air conditioning systems work and create comfortable spaces even in the hottest conditions.

Components of an Air Conditioning System

An air conditioning system comprises different parts that work together to make the indoor environment comfortable. Understanding these parts can help us appreciate how the system functions.

Condenser Unit

The condenser unit, positioned outside the building, is a crucial component of the air conditioning system. Its main job is to take the hot refrigerant vapour from the indoor evaporator unit, cool it down, and transform it into liquid. This process allows the refrigerant to release heat into the surrounding environment. 

The condenser unit comprises three essential parts:

  • Compressor: The compressor increases the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant gas, facilitating efficient heat transfer and conversion to a high-pressure liquid.
  • Condenser Coil: The condenser coil is a network of tubes that maximises heat transfer. It allows the high-pressure refrigerant to release heat into the surroundings, aiding in the cooling process.
  • Fan: The fan in the condenser unit promotes airflow over the condenser coil, helping to dissipate the heat released by the refrigerant and enhance heat dissipation.


The compressor is like the heart of an air conditioning system because it moves the refrigerant between the condenser and evaporator units. When the refrigerant enters the compressor, it gets squeezed or compressed, which raises its pressure and temperature. This high-pressure gas then moves to the condenser, which gets even cooler. So, think of the compressor as the pump that keeps the refrigerant flowing and helps cool down the air.

Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil absorbs heat from the indoor air. As the liquid refrigerant enters the evaporator coil, it undergoes a phase change, evaporating into a gas. 

This evaporation process absorbs heat from the surrounding air, significantly lowering its temperature. The now-cooled air is then circulated back into the space, providing a comfortable atmosphere.

Air Handler

The air handler is an integral part of the air conditioning system. Its main job is to distribute the cooled air throughout the building. Inside the air handler, there is a fan that blows air over the evaporator coil, making it even colder. 

This chilled air is then pushed through ducts or vents to different areas of the building, making sure that every part of the space stays at a consistent and comfortable temperature.


a technician adjusting the thermostat

The thermostat serves as the control centre of the air conditioning system. It allows you to set and maintain your desired indoor temperature by signalling the system to turn on or off as needed.

Experience Comfort and Quality with Landmark Air Canberra

Understanding the key components and processes in an air conditioning system helps us appreciate the complexity and efficiency of these systems. Each part plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable indoor environment by regulating temperature and humidity.

For top-notch air conditioning services, contact Landmark Air Canberra at (02) 6189 2972. We are ready to handle all your air conditioning needs, from installation to repairs and maintenance. Don’t hesitate to give us a call for reliable and efficient service.


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